How to Join Dunzo Delivery Boy? Salary & Shift Hours

By: Job Hai | November 4, 2022 3 min read
How to Join Dunzo Delivery Boy? Salary & Shift Hours

Are you looking for a perfect job? If yes, then you need to look no further. You can always join as a dunzo delivery boy, as there are hundreds of vacancies. Dunzo delivery job details are mentioned here, making it easy for you to apply for this job. Under this, you cannot get details about what you have to do as a Dunzo delivery boy but also what you can expect as a salary from the company. So here is everything you need to know about how to join Dunzo delivery boy. 

What is Dunzo?

Dunzo is an Indian company that offers delivery services in Delhi, Bangalore, Gurgaon, Pune, Chennai, Mumbai in Hyderabad. In some cities, the company also offers taxi services. The company delivers anything and everything to the users by just charging a small amount of money. For example, if you forgot your laptop in the office and only forgot some important stuff back at home, dunzo can get them to you easily on demand.

How does Dunzo work?

The working of dunzo is pretty simple. The users need to install the app. If users need any item to be parcelled from one place to another, they can book it using the app. Dunzo people will come and pick it up from the given address.

How to Join Dunzo?

It is very easy to join dunzo you just have to follow the mentioned steps.

  • You need to have a bike or scooter; if you do not own it, you can also rent it
  • You must have a valid driving license
  • Android smartphone is a must
  • Don’t forget you must read basic English

You can easily become a dunzo delivery boy if you can fulfil all these conditions.

How much does Dunzo pay?

Once you join the Dunzo delivery boy job, you must know that you will be getting a salary depending on whether you have joined a part-time or full-time job. 

  • You will get around INR 400 daily for the part-time job, provided you complete seven tasks in 6 hours.
  • You can earn INR 900if you complete 13 tasks in 13 hours.
  • You can earn INR 500 at night if you complete six tasks in 3 hours.
  • If you are working as a full-time Dunzo delivery partner, you can roughly earn iron 20,030 1000 per month.
  • Roughly if you are working part-time as a Dunzo delivery partner, you can earn INR 18,000 to INR 15,000.

How to apply for Dunzo?

You need to submit the following documents to become a dunzo delivery partner 

  • You must submit an aadhar card
  • Pan card 
  • driving license
  • bank passbook
  • cancel cheque

If you do not have a scooty registered in your name, then you must have an affidavit and the Aadhaar card of the vehicle owner. If you do not have a pan card, then the company will deduct 20% from your salary until and unless you get a pan card. You can join the company after paying ₹1100 as joining fees, and the company will give you 2 T-shirts and a bag. The company will give you an RBL debit card for COD payment orders.


How to become a Dunzo delivery boy?

You can apply online via a job portal or via a recruiter to apply for a Dunzo delivery boy job

How much does a Dunzo delivery boy earn?

Your payment depends on whether you are doing a full-time job or a part-time job. The salary can vary from 0.2 LPA to 3. LPA.